Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today's note will be short. I'm doing really well in chemo. Seems to be working. But it's the little things that are the most challenging to deal with. The perpetual running nose. The sensitivity of my sinuses, non-stop. The bleeding nose that happens whenever I sneeze or blow.
Today's little nonsense was that my hemoglobin (HGB) went from 10+ (normal for women is 12 - 14) down to 8.7. That's not a good thing. Maybe it's why I have been feeing so tired this week. The chemo is suppressing my ability to produce Red Blood Cells (RBCs). So today I got a new "shot" Procrit. I gave it to my friend Fernando when he was really sick with cancer, God rest his soul....... very nice and lovely man and family. Now, I have to go back next week, MY ONLY WEEK OFF OF CHEMO FOR A MONTH, to have blood work done and probably get another one of these shots. It's a drag I know, but I hope the shot works. The shot itself is not painful, but when the medicine is going in, it feels like a bee sting. Hot.......This is the first chemo with the capacity to change my markers and my scans. I don't want to change it!!!!!
So that's today's story of woe.
But, as usual, I remain optimistic, always. It's the little things that make me bummed out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just wanted to write to you and let you know how inspiring reading your blog is. I really appreciate that you read mine, you're the only person to have commented on any of them, so at least I know one person i reading ahaha I would like to think that I'm a warm person even though the world is plauged by things that seem to worry me.

    best of luck to you. stay strong!
