Sunday, January 4, 2009

ovarian cancer awareness

So today, I'd like to talk a bit about the very covert signs and symptoms of the type of cancer that I'm currently in treatment for "Ovarian Cancer." Of course if you have a family history of ovarian cancer, you should be followed closely by your gynecologist, have your ovaries ultrasound done and ALWAYS have routine CA-125 done. It's a simple blood test that "may" predict the likely hood of the presence of ovarian cancer if the numbers are elevated. If you have an elevated CA-125 your physician should immediately do an ovarian ultrasound. If the ultrasound is abnormal at all, a CT of the pelvis must be done.
So, if this is your first experience hearing about ovarian cancer, it can only happen to women, since we're the only ones who have ovaries. Symptoms are vague and are often overlooked which is one reason I'm hoping that the CA-125 blood tests becomes a routine part of a woman's annual Gyno exam, PAP smear etc. If the numbers are elevated an ultrasound must be performed to confirm if the ovaries have lesions/masses etc.
So back to the symptoms of ovarian cancer.
- abdominal bloating
- frequent urination
- pelvic discomfort
- change in bowels
- feeling full after eating regular portions or smaller than usual amounts of food
- low back pain
- abnormal vaginal bleeding
Are you getting the feeling that this disease may be hard to distinguish from other illnesses. You'd be correct! Often women are treated for urinary tract infections, GI tract disturbances, medications for back pain.
I met a woman, she has sadly passed on now. I met her at Gilda's Club in Hackensack NJ. (Gilda's deserves a whole blog of it's own and I'll get to that in the near future) Anyway, this was a woman of little means. She was on charity health care and I believe, but can't be sure that she had some psychological issues as well. Additionally, she had not support system, like family, friends or church. This woman originally went to her clinic complaining about bloating and GI issues. They gave her medications. She returned after completing the medication only to be scoped for GI problems and put back on new meds. This went on for a year!! They never examined her gynecological condition!!! Well, she was reading the paper one day and saw that they were having a free seminar at another local hospital and she decided to go. It was sponsored by "The Maureen Fund" which also deserves it's own day on these pages. At the seminar they handed out papers, one of which included a check list of ovarian cancer symptoms. The woman spoke to a Maureen Fund representative that day, they scheduled a gyno appointment and CT of the pelvis immediately. It turned out she had the same doc group as me who treated her. I can only say the best words about Dr. Dan Smith. He is my angel and has protected me at my very weakest moments along with Dr. Donna McNamara, my oncologist. The Maureen Fund helped this woman get diagnosis and treatment immediately, unfortunately, the disease was already at a very advanced stage. I used to see her at chemo once in a while, we spoke a bit, but not much, you're kind of tired and want to shut the world out when you're getting IV poison run into you to kill your cancer. The last time I saw her, she was getting a blood transfusion, she didn't look good, we didn't speak, she slept the entire time I was there that day. It was later, I heard from another Gilda member she had passed away.
Sad now, so sorry.
But remember kids, it's very important to have your tits examined and don't forget about the PAP and if you can get your MD to agree, get him or her to do an annual CA-125 blood test. BE SAFE and stand up for yourself.

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